Blog Archives

Jerry Lacy of Dark Shadows receives ‘Bologna or Not?’ Vol. III

Recently a picture was brought to my attention which contains the legendary Jerry Lacy holding a copy of ‘Probably True Paranormal Stories: Bologna or Not? Vol. III’. It is not yet known how he came into possession of such a tome but we at ‘Bologna or Not?’ suspect that supernatural forces are at work.

Jerry Lacy holding BorN3

Jerry Lacy (left) holding Bologna or Not? Vol. III

For those who don’t know who Jerry Lacy is, shame on you! He is probably best known for his television rolls as Tony Peterson, Reverend Trask, Reverend Gregory Trask, Mr. Trask, and Lamar Trask on the cult TV serial Dark Shadows.

In 2013, Jerry will reunite along with his Dark Shadows costars Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott for the feature film ‘Doctor Mabuse‘, written and directed by Ansel Faraj; Jerry stars as the titular doctor in the film.

NEW BOOK released!

coverHello seekers of the strange and unusual! Our new book as been released! In this, we put together another amazing collection of true stories from our vast collection of paranormal stories. Though, this edition contains tales collected over many years, there are a some that have just been added this past year.

We talk about the Bermuda Triangle, Closet Monsters, the Infinite Universe, and perhaps, most amazingly, we go on a hunt for the elusive Snipe! Plus much much more, this is our biggest collection yet.

And for coming to this blog, you are very smart and deserving of a special 50% off code for the paperback edition. Just go to and use the coupon code: SCFWZMX4 and get the book for just $5.

If that’s too rich for your blood, you can pick up the ebook kindle edition for just .99 cents.

Volume 3 Update


Kindle (Photo credit: jimforest)

Hello readers, this is Nick Kilcoyne with an update on Bologna or Not? Vol 3. The title has been finalized as ‘Probably True Paranormal Stories, Probably: BOLOGNA OR NOT? Vol. III’. I know it’s a bit long but that’s the way the UFO flies.

So anyway, I am planning on a simultaneous release of the ebook and paperback and it will be released sometime in the next two weeks. All cover art and interior content has been submitted to Amazon for approval and once that gets done, I will order a proof print. After it is proof read a final time, I will release the book for sale. If I need to make changes, that might delay the release for another 24-48 hours.

So make sure you save up your money so you can buy multiple copies!

Alien hello icon

Volume 3 in the works!

P writing blue

Announcing Bologna or Not? Vol. III! The writing is going full steam a head and this book is on track to be the biggest yet. Not only in length but in scope. I don’t know when it will be finished yet but it’s still months away at this point. Just keep checking back here for more updates and don’t forget to check out Dr. Hawkings weekly post on Fridays.

Bologna or Not? Vol. I & II is Now Available on! (Photo credit: soumit)

The paperback has been posted and is now available on the worlds larges online book seller, Just follow the link and get yourself one awesome midnight read.

Proof copy arrived

I just received my proof copy of the printed book delivered. Once I am done looking it over for errors, I will submit any corrections and then make the book available for purchase immediately. We are just a day or two away!

Bologna or Not? now has a Facebook Fan Page

We are trying to expand our internet footprint. Bigfoot will have nothing on us. Perhaps people will stumble across our Facebook page while hiking in the woods and make a plaster cast and study it for science.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page and “LIKE” it.

Bologna or Not? Vol I & II soon to be available in PRINT!

That’s right, as the popularity of the ‘Bologna or Not?’ series grows, so does our desire to make it available to even more fans. We have been working on combining the first two books into a collection for print. The printed book will total 162 pages and over 22,000 words. So if you are a fan of turning on that reading light and smelling the aroma of paper and ink as you flip joyfully through it’s pages, this is the perfect item for you.

I expect it to be available for $7.99 on in about a week. Until then, check out the cover!

Available SOON.

Bologna or Not? Vol. II is now available on Kindle

Bologna or Not? Vol. II is now available on Kindle. Bigger and even more supernatural.

Make sure you get the first book too!

Bologna or Not? A Collection of Paranormal Stories ebook now available,

Bologna or Not? A Collection of Paranormal Stories available on Kindle