Blog Archives

Ontario’s Billion Year Old Water – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

English: Mwamanongu Village water source, Tanz... reports that Canadian miners have tapped into a pool of water so far beneath the surface of the Earth, and so old, and so isolated that is has never been touched by human urine.

This of course makes it prime drinking water as the only known source of water that has never been peed in by anything, even your expensive, bland, bottled water has traces of urine in them. However, before richest one percent of the world’s population can take a drink (which will most certainly grant them everlasting life or, perhaps, super powers), scientists want to test the water for microbial life which may or may not be expelling urine into it at a subatomic level.

These studies may help us determine if life could be supported in other, such hostile locations, as under the surface of Mars.

Some experts say that the underground water could be dangerous in it’s current state and that somebody should pee into it right away to avoid unforeseen consequences.

Jerry Lacy of Dark Shadows receives ‘Bologna or Not?’ Vol. III

Recently a picture was brought to my attention which contains the legendary Jerry Lacy holding a copy of ‘Probably True Paranormal Stories: Bologna or Not? Vol. III’. It is not yet known how he came into possession of such a tome but we at ‘Bologna or Not?’ suspect that supernatural forces are at work.

Jerry Lacy holding BorN3

Jerry Lacy (left) holding Bologna or Not? Vol. III

For those who don’t know who Jerry Lacy is, shame on you! He is probably best known for his television rolls as Tony Peterson, Reverend Trask, Reverend Gregory Trask, Mr. Trask, and Lamar Trask on the cult TV serial Dark Shadows.

In 2013, Jerry will reunite along with his Dark Shadows costars Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott for the feature film ‘Doctor Mabuse‘, written and directed by Ansel Faraj; Jerry stars as the titular doctor in the film.

NEW BOOK released!

coverHello seekers of the strange and unusual! Our new book as been released! In this, we put together another amazing collection of true stories from our vast collection of paranormal stories. Though, this edition contains tales collected over many years, there are a some that have just been added this past year.

We talk about the Bermuda Triangle, Closet Monsters, the Infinite Universe, and perhaps, most amazingly, we go on a hunt for the elusive Snipe! Plus much much more, this is our biggest collection yet.

And for coming to this blog, you are very smart and deserving of a special 50% off code for the paperback edition. Just go to and use the coupon code: SCFWZMX4 and get the book for just $5.

If that’s too rich for your blood, you can pick up the ebook kindle edition for just .99 cents.

Bizarre Death Ritual For Students Was Sheriff’s Idea – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

Grim Reaper From Guitar Hero - Halloween (2006)

Grim Reaper From Guitar Hero – Halloween (2006) (Photo credit: Rob Boudon)

A news organization out of Bowling Green, KY, reports that the Grim Reaper himself has enlisted the help of a local Sheriff  in scaring teenage kids out of drinking and driving.

Apparently, there is a drunk driving epidemic in Bowling Green causing wide spread perishing among the young. It’s a workload that even Death can’t handle and he aims to reduce it. The Reaper met with the Sheriff and together they came up with a ritual that they hope will make a point and lead to smarter decisions from teenagers.

The ritual begins in a darkened gymnasium where each student holds a candle. At random, the Grim Reaper approaches a student and taps him/her on the shoulder. The student then blows out his/her candle and a paramedic rushes out to lay the student on the floor. A white sheet is placed over the student to simulate his/her death and live worms are thrown on top to represent the process of decomposition.

Later, fake obituaries are read to other students who don’t know they are fake. The hope is that these students will become much too depressed to go out and party anymore and thus solve the problem for good.

Now, I would like to make clear that it is sometimes necessary to use fictional characters to make a point more clear. Although the sheriff, the students and others were very real, an actor was hired to play the paramedic. However, it doesn’t make the message any less valid.

Join me next week for more strange tales.

Volume 3 Update


Kindle (Photo credit: jimforest)

Hello readers, this is Nick Kilcoyne with an update on Bologna or Not? Vol 3. The title has been finalized as ‘Probably True Paranormal Stories, Probably: BOLOGNA OR NOT? Vol. III’. I know it’s a bit long but that’s the way the UFO flies.

So anyway, I am planning on a simultaneous release of the ebook and paperback and it will be released sometime in the next two weeks. All cover art and interior content has been submitted to Amazon for approval and once that gets done, I will order a proof print. After it is proof read a final time, I will release the book for sale. If I need to make changes, that might delay the release for another 24-48 hours.

So make sure you save up your money so you can buy multiple copies!

Alien hello icon

Watch “OBAMA ALIEN demon UFO ghost 666 devil SECRET SERVICE” on YouTube – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

English: Barack Obama delivers a speech at the...

Attention my fellow human mammals. A video that I found on YouTube has indisputably captured a shape-shifting humanoid reptilian alien within Barack Obama’s secret service. The video below clearly shows an out of place “man” twitching his head oddly and later he is seen actually changing the shape of his skull.

This brings to the table many questions. Like who else might be a shape-shifter? And how can you tell one from a real person? I went to my colleague, Nick Kilcoyne for his take, “it would seem to me that reptiles would have quite a different diet than humans. So if you suspect someone of being a shape-shifter, I recommend examining their feces.” Nick then checked the App Store for a feces scanner.

I then asked my other co-worker, Will Henton, who said, “I don’t know anything about shape-shifters but I’ll tell you about a shift-shaper, look at the new work schedule Patrick made.  Now I work more days than I have off! How ridiculous is that?

So what do you think? Is the Government riddled with shape-shifting aliens?

Join me again next time for more tales of the unexplained. Hawkings, Goodnight.

English: Artist interpretation of reptilian al...

English: Artist interpretation of reptilian alien. Human is shown for relative size. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ghost of Snowman Photographed, Confirmed by Forensics

English: snowman

Snowman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Chattanooga paranormal research firm called Global Paranormal Services has claimed to have collected inarguable evidence that ghosts exists.

As the website, Who Forted, reports, the group was investigating a supposed haunting at the local library. This was smart of them because libraries always have a “ghost section” so I applaud them and their intuition. An unnamed forensic lab has looked over their evidence has has confirmed it’s authenticity.

However, their evidence will not be shown to the public just yet but they have released a teaser photograph that shows a white bloby specter that resembles a snowman. Whether this is the ghost of a snowman or if you just turn into a snowman once you pass is unknown at this time. We’ll have to wait for more details.

Iran’s Flying Saucer Leads Their Paranormal Army – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel

Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel (Photo credit: Wikipedia) reports that a man named Mehran Tavakoli Keshe has use his captured alien technology to bring down US Drone (RQ-170).  He is, in fact, in possession of flying saucer.

Keshe is a regular on his own person forum and writes, “The Iran spaceship program has the capability of jamming and blocking any incoming radar, as we have explained month ago on this forum, and now we see the practical use of the technology.”

It would seem that Iran is gearing up for a full scale paranormal invasion as there are  rumors that they are also employing an army of ghosts to cover ground operations.  Likewise their underground forces consist of the subterranean civilization known as the Agartha.

As a scientist, I am well prepared for such a catastrophic event. Being a researcher of the unexplained for so many decades has given me a wealth of knowledge that the common man does not possess.

I’ll be in my bunker if anybody needs me. Don’t mind the salt.

Man Accused of DUI is Actually Alien Abductee – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

Grainy B&W image of supposed UFO, Passoria, Ne...

The Huffington Post had an article accusing a poor Logansville, Ga. man named Joel Lankford of being a raging drunk after his car was found mysteriously crashed in a ditch with it’s engine running.

A woman in the area also dialed 911 claiming that a man was trying to kill her. Police arrived on the scene to find the woman bleeding. She was admitted to the hospital and is expected to be fine. About 10 minutes later, a neighbor reported a prowler near his home. When police arrived, they found Lankford. He seemed to be disoriented and believed he was in a city called Lilburn, which was about 18 miles away from the scene. He also displayed slurred speech and difficulty maintaining balance – the clues are falling into place. For the sake of thoroughness, I’ll add that the police officer noticed the odor of alcohol on the suspect’s breath but I believe this fact to be unimportant.

When questioned, Lankford gave the police officer a perfectly reasonable explanation for the odd events, he had been abducted by aliens. Think about it, the mysterious crashed car, dropped by a flying saucer. The injured woman, the recipient of an alien implant. Lankford’s confused mental and physical state, aftershock from extraterrestrial experimentation. It all makes sense.

However as usual, a cover up was taking place and Lankford became the scapegoat here, being hauled away to jail accused of a DUI. When will people learn?

Join me next Friday for more tales of the paranormal.

Who Murdered the Lock Ness Monster? – With Dr. Steven Hawkings

Leeds Castle 03-07-2007

Leeds Castle 03-07-2007 (Photo credit: Karen Roe)

It is a sad and disturbing day indeed. The people at The Voice of Russia reports that the decomposed corpse of the Lock Ness Monster has been discovered dumped in a remote lake in Siberia. This adds the Lock Ness Monster to the growing list of creatures that have only been seen in their murdered state, this includes the Woolly Mammoth, the Saber Tooth Tiger, all the dinosaurs and King Tut.

Dmitry Shiller, the head of an underwater research team went to the bottom of the worlds coldest lake, Lake Labynkyr. Don’t worry, they all wore two sweaters each. When they got to the bottom, they discovered the jaw and partial skeleton of a huge underwater creature.

Bones underwater? In Siberia? What else could it be but the Lock Ness Monster? Reminds me of the time I discovered bones under the floorboards of my rental home and determined they belonged to Bigfoot.